Chichester is located in the western Pontiac region, along the Ottawa River, which runs alongside the Laurentian Mountains. People go to and stay in Chichester not only for its beautiful landscapes and the tranquility of the village, but also for the warm, welcoming, passionate and vibrant community members. The municipality’s economic activity results primarily from carrying out agricultural activities on its rich and fertile lands.
In numbers
- 350 residents
- 1 bar attached to a house and a former dépanneur
- 218 km2 (area of the municipality!)
How we stand out
- Neighbours are welcome! The municipality shares a number of nearby businesses and services with the village of Chapeau, which is just on the other side of the river.
- The Culbute Museum is the result of a collaboration between two childhood friends. They breathed new life into a small, abandoned building by making it a tourist attraction. Here, the community’s good ideas can come to fruition. Right across is the Regal Beagle, which is very popular for its fiddle nights and cookoffs.
- Northfork Farm is all you need—an inn, reception hall, and caterer—to organize an unforgettable event with a backdrop that will take your breath away.
Our expertise
- Chichester is lucky to have Louis Schryer—a virtuoso and Grand Masters Fiddle Champion, who has repeatedly been named Canadian Fiddle Champion—among its residents. His music is key to starting a party in the village!
- We have fertile land and exceptional farmers who harvest the very best produce the land can offer. In particular, we have Hill Top Gardens, an organic farm, and even a cannabis farm, El Camino.