The charm of Otter Lake is found first and foremost in its dense forests and its lakes that are full of fish. With its campgrounds, accommodations, ATV trails, and outfitting operations, it is the best place to experience the peacefulness of nature. A way of life that allows for getting back to basics is possible here, whether it involves work, nature, family, or even community life.
In numbers
- 1 French elementary school
- 48 huskies (dogsledding with Escapade Huskimo)
- 14 km of hiking trails
To discover
- Parc Leslie is a one-thousand-acre campground where vacationers, squirrels, and white-tailed deer can joyfully spend time together in a developed area of wilderness. There are 205 campsites, three ready-to-camp lodgings, a beach, and a number of developed trails.
- For those looking for a place to live in privacy and unplug, isolated from the rest of the Pontiac region, look no further than chemin Picanoc—a place that only satellite phones and satellite Internet can reach.
Our community
- When the community is active, it breathes life into Otter Lake. The Recreation Association, the 50 Plus Club, and the Maison des jeunes contribute to building relationships between residents to make their living environment more vibrant.
- Concerned about preserving their beautiful natural resources, residents and cottage owners have set up a variety of civic organizations to help the community protect its lakes.