This park features a gorgeous splash pad, accessible washroom, a water bottle refill station (during summer time), play structures, horse shoe pits, shuffle board, a tennis court and an accessible glider. Overlooking the local ball field and Ottawa River, it offers access to the PPJ bike path and an electric charging station. On winter, cross-country ski rental is free on saturdays.
140 rue FrontCampbell's Bay, Québec
J0X1K0 819 648-5811
Open year round
Notes for RV Rest Stop: **In winter, the toilets are closed. **Please park where indicated towards the stone wall. Garbages and picnic tables are available in the Park. A small local depanneur and restaurant is only a few meters up the hill. Enjoy a variety of local baseball and soccer games all summer long. Additionally, feel free to join in on various community events happening throughout the season!