Bordered by the Coulonge and Ottawa rivers, Fort-Coulonge offers a range of services and infrastructure that facilitate family life. Its residential neighbourhoods near Rue Principale benefit from community life. Its rich heritage, particularly with its stone, ancestral homes and its churches, give it a unique character.
In numbers
- 3 km2 (area of the municipality!)
- 15 community organizations
We have everything nearby!
- While Fort-Coulonge shares a number of services with Mansfield-et-Pontrefract, a neighbouring municipality, it does have some wonderful businesses like Café Dowtown, a restaurant, Spruceholme Inn, a heritage inn, and Bowers Freshmart.
- The largest French elementary school in the Pontiac region is in Fort-Coulonge.
- To the delight of sports enthusiasts, there is an arena at the Centre de loisirs des Draveurs. In winter, there is even an outdoor skating rink on the creek near the municipal park.
Our community
- When our residents have projects in mind, they come together to make them happen. Phare Ouest is a great example of this. Through this organization, Pontiac residents in the area can attend all types of cultural events—with or without popcorn!